A computer with sense of humor is born

A computer with sense of humor is born

British scientists have developed a computer with a 'sense of humour' which generates its own witty one-liners.

The machine, created by scientists at the University of Edinburgh, was programmed to exploit one of the most successful and popular components of comedy, where a statement is followed up with a surprising comment.
However, some of the jokes the computer produces can be rather sexist, 'The Telegraph' reported.
The computer software was designed to find unlikely pairings of words and to make a connection between them.
David Matthews, a computer scientist who helped develop the computerised comedian at the University of Edinburgh's school of informatics, said when they tested the jokes on volunteers they found they laughed, although not as much as man made humour.
He said for computer generated jokes to improve, the software would need to develop cultural awareness.
"Computers have an advantage over people in that they can process masses of information, so we fed computers a wealth of material from which they extracted creative and unusual word combinations to fit our joke template", Matthews was quoted as saying by the paper.
"The holy grail for machine-generated comedy would be to include cultural references, but these are very hard to capture," he said.

Happier – New social network

Happier – New social network
Nowadays when Facebook, Twitter, Tumblir,etc. are the most popular social networks in which people post whatever you like or hate, without any filtering certain content distributed through pictures, text and video with others who not always agree with your posts.

But what if you are looking for a place to share and celebrate only small moments of happiness in life? Happier is a new business based in Boston, which has created a niche social network aimed at just that- HAPPINESS.
Happier is supposed to be a special social network for posting pictures and statuses about things that make people happy.
The founders of the social network for internet users happy, Happier, said that one moment of happiness is not trivial, but the page does not allow the distribution of statuses that create negativity.
"With Happier, we've created this emotional space that allows you to elevate really small but really good things, which would otherwise just be routine. Doing that repeatedly has been scientifically proven to make you happier, and if you do it consistently, you can actually change the chemistry of your brain to be more positive," says the company co-founder Nataly Kogan.

New level of technology will be launched in August

New level of technology will be launched in August
If you are already impressed by technology , just forget all you know until now, because a new phone is about to launched, which is new level of technology.
Moto X is expected to be the main phone company Motorola, which will certainly create a lot of noise, as it has not yet introduced in the market.

Siemens will present its model newest phone, Moto X, which is expected to be a big hit, since the same would use all resources and applications exclusive company Google, which now owns company.
Moto X model will be a smart phone, which users can customize, and which can order the buyers.In addition to full support from Google, Moto X will also characterized by cheap price, compared with consolidated models on the market, from its rivals. However, remains to be seen whether the Moto X Motorola will help the company reduce losses, which for the second quarter of this year had reached 342 million dollars.

“Apple 1” the first prototype computer, is worth more than 500 000$

An old computer, probably the first ‘Apple’ computer , now is in sale, and it could be worth more than half a million dollars, just for the fact that it was designed by two college dropouts named Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
An ‘apple 1’ dates since 1976, and is the basic pc ever built, not even close of today’s modern technology products, but still is maybe the most expensive ‘apple’ product, with a pre-same estimated value of up to 500 000$.
Vintage Apple products have become especially hot items since Jobs’ death in October 2011, surrounding the mystique attached to this entrepreneur who joined forces with Wozniak to build computer prototypes in a California garage. Another Apple 1 was sold last month for a record $671,400 by a German auction house, breaking a previous record of $640,000 set in November. Sotheby’s sold one last year for $374,500.
“This is the seed from which the entire orchard grew, and without this, there would be no Apple,” said Stephen A. Edwards, professor of computer science at Columbia University. “I’ve been shocked auction prices got into the six digits. The market has just gone crazy.” The latest auction at Christie’s, “First Bytes: Iconic Technology from the Twentieth Century,” is being conducted online only from June 24 to July 9. The Apple 1 is to be displayed starting Monday at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, west of San Francisco.

Ps4 is ready to be launched!

November 13th. This is the date when Sony’s PS4 is going to be launched for all video games lovers all over the world. The Sony’s staff promised to have it in gamers hands by for this ‘holiday season’.
After the release of successful video games such as:Battlefield4, Call of Duty: Ghosts and Assassin’s Creed etc, in the new version of PS are going to be included new games as well. 
Other news from Sony has included a video trailer detailing its new interface system. The advert shows how pressing the PlayStation logo in the centre of the console will allow players to switch in and out of live games to share clips, chat with friends, or download new titles.
What is also new in PS4 is that when downloading new games, players can pick between starting as a single player or multiplayer portion. And you can like and share via facebook your high scores.
This could put the PS4 launch date quite close to its closest competition, the Xbox One. The gaming guys over at IGN say the new Xbox will launch on or before November 5th, that’s just a week away for the PS4′s. That means most gamers will either have to spring for both or choose just one console to love on the opening week.
For all you that can’t wait till November 13th , Sony company will publish more news closer to launch date.