New level of technology will be launched in August

New level of technology will be launched in August
If you are already impressed by technology , just forget all you know until now, because a new phone is about to launched, which is new level of technology.
Moto X is expected to be the main phone company Motorola, which will certainly create a lot of noise, as it has not yet introduced in the market.

Siemens will present its model newest phone, Moto X, which is expected to be a big hit, since the same would use all resources and applications exclusive company Google, which now owns company.
Moto X model will be a smart phone, which users can customize, and which can order the buyers.In addition to full support from Google, Moto X will also characterized by cheap price, compared with consolidated models on the market, from its rivals. However, remains to be seen whether the Moto X Motorola will help the company reduce losses, which for the second quarter of this year had reached 342 million dollars.